Obeticholic Acid CAS NO 459789-99-2 Inquire about Obeticholic Acid

Tecoland supplies Obeticholic Acid bulk active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) to the pharmaceutical industry. Our Obeticholic Acid is manufactured by cGMP compliant facility. Welcome to contact us for further details including current DMF status for the product and up to date regulatory status of the manufacturing facility. We look forward to assisting you with your research and development projects.
What is Obeticholic Acid?Obeticholic Acid

Obeticholic acid is a farnesoid-X receptor (FXR) agonist and is used to treat a number of liver diseases. Obeticholic acid has been granted accelerated approval to treat primary biliary cholangitis in combination with ursodeoxycholic acid. Approval is limited to monotherapy in patient’s who are intolerant to ursodeoxycholic acid, or in combination with ursodeoxycholic acid in adults who have not responded adequately to ursodeoxyholic acid alone. Obeticholic acid given orally, binds to the farnesoid X receptor (FXR), a receptor found in the nucleus of cells in the liver and intestine.

Mechanism of Action:

The key role of the farnesoid X receptor (FXR) as a regulator of bile and cholesterol metabolism in the liver, with preclinical data from numerous studies providing strong rationale for the advancement of FXR agonists as hepatoprotective therapeutics in chronic liver disease.


In Trial 1, ALP reduction was observed to plateau at approximately 3 months in most patients treated with Obeticholic acid 5 mg once daily. Increasing the dosage of Obeticholic acid to 10 mg once daily based on tolerability and response provided additional reduction in ALP in the majority of patients.


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